Wednesday, May 23, 2012

May 2-4

I decided diets are "not applicable" on long weekends.

No, I don't want to talk about it.

When is this 30 days over?


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I miss coffee

Day 8. My facebook status today was "I miss coffee". My best friend responded "Did you two break up?". Clever. But no, we didn't break up. We're just on "a break" while I work some things out.

Things are going well though. The original restrictions have gotten much easier. I haven't cheated with the coffee at all. I've had popcorn once or twice. Okay, twice. The whole chocolate restriction is out the window. But I was honest from the beginning that it would never happen.

While I am mainly making good choices, there's no avoiding that moment when I'm away from home and starving and the only option is something anti-diet. In that circumstance, nourishment is more important than diet. So I ate an Arby's roast beef sandwich. I immediately had that awful feeling of an air bubble stuck in my windpipe. I'd say that's a sign. About an hour later I started struggling to clear my throat from a mystery mucus that did not want to go away. It was mentioned to me before I started the diet that these are common side effects from a wheat/gluton intolerance. These are things I've experienced for years and just took for granted it was nothing to worry about.

Overall, I'm feeling great. I have more energy, and an overall feeling of wellbeing. I've noticed in the last week that my appetite has changed drastically. When I'm hungry it's intense. But it doesn't take much to fill me up, and I stay full longer. I've always had a big appetite, ever since childhood so it really seems strange, but I know it's a good thing.

I'm being a more creative cook as well. Tonight I had Mango Chipotle Chicken and Roasted Vegetables. And my crock pot is currently wafting the tantalizing scent of Chunky Chicken Chilli all through my apartment. I know you're jealous...

Monday, May 7, 2012

I can and I will

The last few weeks have seen some big changes in my diet. I did "mostly" well, with a little cheating here and there. The good news is I'm already feeling better. I've lost 4 lbs, but more importantly, my fat mass has gone down and my muscle mass has gone up. Just what I like to hear.

What don't I like to hear? "You're going to be much more strict for the next 30 days". Really. Enter my old friend skepticism. I will definitely try. More than try. I will offer a valiant effort.

No more corn. Didn't really like that news. No more wine. I liked that even less. No more coffee. Not even decaf. No more chocolate. **silence** Can you repeat that? I didn't understand. We compromised on a small piece of dark chocolate when I am craving it.

I went out and had one last hurrah tonight with a friend. Didn't go too crazy; corn chips and a glass of wine with my otherwise healthy dinner. I might need to make a bowl of popcorn tonight and spend a moment saying goodbye to the only substitute I had left for chips.

I am trying to focus on the positive. I am feeling distinctly healthier than I was 3 weeks ago. And I've eased myself into the "no complex carbs" rule so, learning to obey the rules daily shouldn't be so horrible. I had bread for the first time in weeks because I was starving and it was the only thing to be had. I felt awful the next day, so there is some wisdom to this diet. Also, she took some blood for the food sensitivity testing. I am actually quite curious to see the results of that. She attempted acupuncture... I had to ask her to stop. It was awful and my shoulder hurt for the next hour.

Getting back to good is going to be far from painless. But I can and will do it. Right now, in this moment, I am making that promise to myself. I can. I will.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A for effort

Day 1 of the new regime was doomed before it began. I went to bed last night with a fever from a brand new head cold. Still, I followed orders and made a healthy (yet somewhat chalky) breakfast smoothie. Lunch was also successful with a hearty salad. An orange for my afternoon snack. I managed all of this while fighting the urge to lay down on my desk and go to sleep.

After work, I heated up my leftovers from last night which I was sure contained nothing by naturopath approved foods... then I got her e-mail with detailed reminders of the new restrictions. The words "absolutely no potatoes" put a crimp in my plan. I had just eaten said potatoes and so felt defeated. Clearly, the only natural response to this was to comfort myself with several handfuls of potato chips.

It was momentary lapse in self control, that I'm sure to repeat again, but for the time being I'm back on the wagon.

Next on the menu... nighttime cold pills...zzzzz

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

We begin again

Remember my plot to walk my way to fitness... a year ago? Yes. Well. Let us just say that did not work out as planned. That should be plainly evident by the mere 2 posts I managed on this blog at that time.

A new beginning starts today. I went to my first appointment with a naturopath. I see a light at the end of the tunnel. I predict better answers about allergies than the "inconclusive" I've been given in the past. I also guarantee there will be a struggle before I will see any results.

As of today I have a new diet plan. This is not a weight loss diet, but a whole health plan. It starts with no carbs. Give me a second, I'm still coming to terms with that. It continues with... no bacon. This I am struggling to accept. Otherwise I am in full agreement with this plan.

Tonight I will be feasting on sausage from a local farm, steamed potatoes and carrots with peas and corn. This should fill me up enough to curb the strong desire for bread and chips.

I know you will all be wishing me luck on my quest!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Week 1 - Day 1

Phew! Just got home from a 35 minute walk. 3km from the gym back to my house. It's beautiful outside!!

I didn't write about it yesterday but I did take a leisurely half hour stroll on my lunch break. I was deep in thought and so the leisurely stroll felt a lot more natural than pushing myself.

Best news of the week - I have a new partner in my walking tall challenge!!! Here's to us and our ambition to be fit!

Many thanks to my dear friend for taking my measurements and such today. Here are the results:

Right Bicep 12.25"
Chest 36"
Waist 33.75"
Buttocks (why does that word make me giggle?) 39"
Right Thigh 24"
Right Calf 13.5"

Resting blood pressure 121/78 :)
(healthy range 120/80)

Resting heart rate 78 :(
(healthy range below 70)

Body mass index 28.0 (no idea what this means lol)

Fat mass 50.41 lbs
Fat free mass 92.81 lbs
Total body water 68.01 lbs
Total weight 143.21 lbs

Fat 35.2%
(healthy range 21-33%)

Water 47.5% = dehydrated :(

So my goal this week is to drink LOTS of water. I'm supposed to aim for 3L a day. I'm not sure my bladder can handle that goal, but I won't know until I try!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

and if at first you don't succeed... bring an umbrella.

I woke up at 6am today as planned. It was pouring rain and I just couldn't send myself out there all bleary eyed to try and be active. I did however bring my running shoes to work and go for a brisk half hour walk. I even picked up a nice healthy lunch at the vegan restaurant on my way back. Said vegan lunch was not remotely filling. So when my starving stomach and I went to Walmart after work, I caved and ate McDonald's. Filled up and feeling slightly guilty I decided to do the twenty minute walk home instead of waiting for the bus. Apparently this was not sufficient penance as not five minutes into my walk the heavens opened up and God punished me for my weakness. Luckily I was armed with rain boots, a rain jacket and an umbrella. Un-luckily, the rain fell much faster than I could manage to put these things on - looking like a fool on the sidewalk of a busy road I might add.

The best part? The bus passed me just before I turned onto my street.

There's always tomorrow.